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What To Do With Baby All Day?

2nd Dec 2024

What To Do With Baby All Day?

Wondering what to do with your baby all day? Here’s a list of simple, fun, and developmentally supportive activities you can do with your little one, broken down by age-appropriate ideas.

0-3 Months: Building Trust & Sensory Exploration

At this stage, your baby is adjusting to the world outside the womb, so simple, slow-paced activities are best.

  • Skin-to-Skin Cuddles: Helps regulate your baby’s body temperature and heart rate.
  • Tummy Time: Start with short sessions to strengthen neck and core muscles.
  • Gentle Music or Singing: Your voice is their favourite sound. Sing simple songs or lullabies.
  • Face-to-Face Time: Babies love studying faces, especially yours. Get close and mimic their expressions.

4-6 Months: Exploration & Early Movement

At this stage, your baby is getting stronger and more curious. They might be able to reach for toys and roll over.

  • Tummy Time with Toys: Place toys just out of reach to encourage rolling and reaching.
  • Sensory Bags or Bottles: Fill a clear ziplock bag with water, and small toys to squish.
  • Mirror Play: Babies love looking at themselves in a baby-safe mirror.
  • Grasping & Holding Toys: Introduce soft toys or rattles that are easy to grab.

7-9 Months: Movement & Cause-Effect Learning

Babies this age love to explore and are starting to understand cause-and-effect.

  • Ball Play: Roll a soft ball back and forth to encourage crawling.
  • "Drop & Retrieve" Play: Since babies love to drop things, make it a game. Pass them toys to drop and pick them up.
  • Peek-a-Boo: Classic, and for good reason. It helps them learn about object permanence.
  • Safe Exploration Spaces: Baby-proof a room and let them crawl and explore.
  • Bubbles: Blow bubbles for your baby to watch and reach for. This simple activity promotes visual tracking and hand-eye coordination.

10-12 Months: Mobility & Problem Solving

By this age, babies are often crawling, pulling to stand, and beginning to understand simple instructions.

  • Obstacle Course: Set up cushions and safe objects for your baby to crawl over or around. This encourages crawling and physical exploration while keeping playtime fun.
  • Stacking Cups or Blocks: They’ll love stacking (or knocking them down!).
  • Musical Play: Offer simple instruments like a tambourine, baby drum, or maracas.
  • Imitation Games: Babies love copying you. Wave, clap, and blow kisses.
  • Treasure Baskets: Fill a basket with safe household items like spoons, fabric scraps, and silicone cups for them to explore.

Daily Routine Ideas

If you’re feeling stuck, try structuring your day like this:

  • Morning: Sensory play, tummy time, outdoor walk in the stroller.
  • Midday: Songs, cuddles, or mirror play.
  • Afternoon: Exploration time on the floor, obstacle courses, or a simple baby-safe sensory activity.
  • Evening: Calming play, story time, and bath.

Remember, every interaction with your baby plays a crucial role in their growth and understanding of the world. You don’t need to fill every moment with structured activities; babies also benefit from quiet observation and independent play. Establish regular feeding times, which can double as bonding moments, and ensure your baby gets adequate naps to stay well-rested and ready for new activities.
