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FX Swaddle or Transition Sleep Bag: Which One Is Right for Your Baby?

Please see below information to help you decide which product is suitable for your baby:

STAGE 1 (Fetal Flex Swaddle)

The FX (Fetal Flex) swaddle is designed to place a baby’s hands toward the front, near their face, mimicking the cosy fetal position in the womb. This familiar positioning provides a sense of security, reduces the startle reflex, and allows babies easy access to their hands for self-soothing.

The FX Swaddle is designed for use from birth until the baby begins to show signs of rolling, typically occurring between 4-6 months but potentially sooner for some babies.

When to Transition

It is essential to discontinue swaddling (STAGE 1) as soon as the baby starts showing signs that they can begin to roll. At this point, we recommend transitioning to our 2-IN-1 Swaddle Transition Sleep Bag (STAGE 2), which is specifically designed for rolling babies.

STAGE 2 (2-IN-1 Swaddle Transition Sleep Bag)

The 2-IN-1 Swaddle Transition Sleep Bag is designed for rolling babies. It has a relaxed fit, similar to a sleeping bag, and allows babies to move their arms freely while still providing a secure and enclosed feeling. The design also offers slight resistance on the arms (when covered), which helps suppress lingering startle reflexes that babies may experience during the swaddle transition process.
